“We are purveyors of the finest pianos and old fashioned techniques”
Grand Piano Restoration Pricing
Our custom piano restoration estimates are complimentary!
All of our estimated Full Piano Restoration Costs are ⇓ BELOW ⇓ raises the value of your piano to the “fully restored value” which is the highest obtainable value. And as long as you keep your piano clean, internally covered(we provide a 100% wool felt interior cover with all of our full restorations), and tuned, your pianos value will be retained for life.
Baby Grand Piano Full Restoration Costs – (4’6-5’6) $17,500-$25,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Grand Piano Full Restoration Costs (5’7-6’2) $19,250-$39,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, and Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Conservatory Grand Piano Full Restoration Costs (6’3-7’5) $21,900-$41,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Concert Grand Piano Restoration Costs (7’6-9’6) $23,500-$48,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Our full piano restoration services cost less and retains its value far better than buying a new or slightly used Asian brand piano. American and European pianos were built to the highest quality specifications by top tier craftsman. In most cases, the quality of these pianos far surpasses even the best piano brands of today.
* Prices exclude replacement of the soundboard or pin block. Veneer repair, lid cracks, etc… are an additional.
Upright Piano Restoration Pricing
Antique Upright Piano, Vintage Upright Piano and Modern Upright Piano Restoration & Rebuilding Costs
Our full upright piano rebuilding services cost less and retain its value far better than buying a new or slightly used Asian manufactured piano. American and European pianos were built to the highest quality specifications by top tier craftsman. In most cases, the quality of these pianos far surpasses even the best piano brands of today.
Full Size Upright Piano or Cabinet Grand Piano Restoration Costs (5’2-5’6) $15,900-$28,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Medium Size Upright Piano Restoration Costs (4’5-5’1) $13,950-$27,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, and Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Studio Size Upright Piano Restoration Costs (4′- 4’4) $11,900-$18,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
Spinet or Console Upright Piano Restoration Costs (less than 4′ ) $9,900-$17,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(standard piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), Full-Restringing, Damper Felt Replacement, Hardware Polishing, Full Action Replacement & Restoration, Action Regulation, Ivory & Ebony Key Top Restoration and/or Key Top Replacement, and Piano Tuning. *this service does not include pin block replacement or soundboard replacement
* Prices exclude replacment of the soundboard or pin block. Veneer repair, lid cracks, etc… are additional.
Piano Refinishing Pricing, Grand Pianos & Uprights Pianos
Baby Grand Piano Refinishing Costs – (4’6-5’6) $11,395-$18,680 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our classic high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee *High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Grand Piano Refinishing Costs (5’7-6’2) $12,895-$22,895 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our classic high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee.*High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Conservatory Grand Piano Refinishing Costs (6’3-7’5) $15,395-$28,995 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our classic high luster/sating/matte piano finishes) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee. *High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Concert Grand Piano Refinishing Costs (7’6-9’6) $19,900-$29,500 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee.*High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Spinet or Console Upright Refinishing Costs (40″ or less) $4,995-$7,850 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our standard high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee. *High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Studio Upright Refinishing Costs (40″-48″) $4,995-$7,595 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our classic high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee. *High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Full Size Upright Refinishing Costs (49″-60″) $4,995-$10,995 Including Refinishing (Closed Grain(our classic high luster/sating/matte piano finish) or Open Grain(less expensive), polishing of existing hardware (plating is additional), replacement of the decal(original style), replacement of all exterior accent felt, deep interior cleaning. 5-year guarantee. *High Gloss & Machine Polished High Gloss $2,000-$10,000 additional, depending on size and detail on the piano.
Pin Block Replacement Pricing
American, European and Asian Pin Block Replacement Cost
Post(Modern) 1895 – Current(2022) non-mortised Pin Block Replacement Cost ($2,550-$2,950) – Custom cut, fit, & drilled American made Maple Multi laminate Pin Block, made from properly dried and cured hard rock American maple, glued and pressed with 10,000 psi. This pin block is a great alternative to the more costly original style 5-ply Canadian hard rock maple.
Buldoc Canadian 5-Ply Hard Rock Maple Pin Block Replacement Cost ($3,100-$3,950)– Properly cured and dried 5 ply Canadian maple pin block. This pin block is a duplicate of the original/vintage American, Canadian and European Style pin blocks. Our Canadian pin block is the highest quality available therefore you can expect this block to last for 100 years or more.
Pre 1895 – Mortised Pin Block w/Walnut Veneer Replacement Cost ($3,650-$4,450) – Custom cut, fit, drilled and mortised American made Maple Multi laminate Pin Block, made from properly dried and cured hard rock American maple, glued and pressed with 10,000 psi. This pin block is a great alternative to the more costly original style 5-ply Canadian hard rock maple.
Buldoc Canadian 5-Ply Hard Rock Maple Pin Block w/Walnut Veneer Replacement Cost ($3,600-4,750)– Properly cured and dried 5 ply Canadian maple pin block. This pin block is a duplicate of the original/vintage American, Canadian and European Style pin blocks. Our Canadian pin block is the highest quality available therefore you can expect this block to last for 100 years or more.
Soundboard Replacement & Restoration Pricing
Soundboard Replacement, Bridge Replacement & Restoration
Soundboard replacement is not a requirement for most pianos but if your piano is lacking tone and resonance in the high treble or anywhere else, it may be time to replace your soundboard. A quick and simple test is to finger pluck your highest octave and listen if the tone projects through the entire piano and more importantly the duration of the sound its self. If the duration is longer than six-seconds your board is most likely salvageable and there may be other issues. If not, then replacement will make your piano sound “like new” once more.
Baby Grand Piano Soundboard Replacement Cost
Restringing: Grand Piano & Upright Piano restringing
Restringing: The art of replacing the strings, tuning pins & stringing felts
- We use Highest quality American made strings(Mapes Piano Strings Company)
- Custom made Bass Strings(hand made in the USA)
- Diamond Nickel plated tuning pins(made in Germany and are the highest quality available)
- Damper Felt Replacement using Genuine Steinway Felts or Renner Felts
- Damper Guide Rail Felt
- Stringing Cloth (under felts and stringing braids custom cut to match original factory specs
Ivory & Ebony Key Top Repair Pricing
Replace missing, chipped, cracked or broken Ivory key tops using reclaimed vintage Ivory salvaged from over 100 years of business.
- Repair broken, chipped or cracked ivory piano key tops
- Remove yellowing from original Ivory. We use a gentle whitening process which takes over 24 hours, the result is stunning and permanent.
- Deep Cleaning, Buffing, and polishing of original Ivory key tops
- Restoration of Ebony key tops include removing original lacquer, then sealing and buffing with a specially formulated black rouge to seal the ebony.
- Replacement of Ebony key tops using the highest grade genuine Ebony or plastic(upon request
Key Top Replacement Pricing (if you have plastic, yellowed or too many missing ivories)
- Key top replacement using either simulated ivory(USA), white acrylics(USA) or high density acrylic (German)
- All key top services are done in house using the proper methods in order to obtain the original measurements of overall key height and maintain genuine specs.
- Replacement of Ebony key tops, if you have a mismatched set or missing ebonies we can replace/restore the keyboard to match the original styling. Available in either Ebony or Plastic
- Polishing of existing plastic key tops. Do you have severely scratched or damaged plastic key tops? In most cases we can use a special rouge and buff/polish the original key tops to a like new finish.
- *** Special note, you can tell the difference between plastic and ivory by looking for grain on the key top, if you have grain and the key top appears to be two pieces then you you have Ivory, if not, most likely plastic.
Grand Piano Action Restoration Pricing
- All of our Action Regulation services are done in house using our standard 32 point regulation system, over 2,800 adjustments come together to bring the smoothness and fluidity back to your piano.
- We offer:
- Key Bushing cloth replacement (both rails, front and center) using German wool
- Front Rail Felts Replacement (using either dark green or pear green felts(highest quality German Wool)
- Back rail/rest rail felt replacement (using either dark green or pear green felts(highest quality German Wool)
- Polish front rail pins and center rail pins(we do this to remove the oxidation and reduce the friction of the contact points)
- Replacement of all whippen/repetition felts (this is typical when you prefer us to work with your original parts)
- Back check buckskin leather replacement(we replace all back check leather using the original style Buckskin from Germany)
- Keyframe reconditioning
- Soda blast all screws and metal components to remove decades of oxidation. Soda blasting is the best method in removing only the oxidation but leaving the integrity of the original solder joints and manufacturing marks on the components)
- Replacement of the piano hammers shanks & Hammers. We offer Genuine Steinway Hammers, Renner(German Made) Hammers, Abel(German Made) Hammers or Pacific Gold(Japanese) . All hammers are not created Equal and depending on a few determining factors we can help you select the best choice for your piano.
Polishing/Plating of Brass/Nickel Hardware Pricing
- We hand polish and refurbish all brass hardware in house
- Removal of oxidation / tarnishing from original hardware
- Buffing and Polishing of brass hardware once the oxidation is removed, buffed to a mirror or satin finish
- Nickel & Chrome Plating of original hardware using the highest grade triple plating technique(copper, nickel and then chrome)
- All metal hardware will be coated with an anti-rust coating once the polishing is complete, the coating last for 20-50 years
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